It has been more than a little difficult to get close enough to a gray heron to get a clear photo of one. I've seen them in rice paddies, mangrove swamps, and along mudflats.
The one on this page was going for a stroll near along mudflats near the Guandu ferry.
Here are two more photos of a gray heron. The first is a zoom of the second. I photographed that bird near Shuang Shi Creek, about a half mile west of the place that the creek empties into the Danshui River.
I finally got a clear photo of a gray heron on February 2, 2012. Along the biking trail, about a mile or two from Danshui, I came across an irrigation pond that sometimes plays host to black-crowned night herons, egrets, and an occasional gray heron.
For more information on gray herons, click here. * * *